Saturday, May 9, 2009

Wali Songo and the Messenger of Allah SAW

We and all of you may already know from history, about the entrance and spread of Islam in Indonesia. That, of Islam into Indonesia, spread by the "Wali Songo" (the nine pious leaders). The scholars are wise and prudent, they are the background to understand the culture before the era of Indonesia. Which at that time, the Indonesian people, especially in Java, still thick with tradition and the Hindu-Buddhist culture. There are also seeds teachings residual animism and dynamism. They still believe in the worship idols and statues. They believe the spirits of ancestors and the ancestors, and other beliefs.

The "Wali Songo" that have a large contribution in the spread of Islam in Java, tried to penetrate and understand these traditions. So, introduce in the teachings of Islam, they use methods that are received by the local community. The scholars of Islam does not teach this in frontal and use violence. They changed the way of peace and a high tolerance for others. They combine the tradition and then is enhanced with Islamic teachings. Because the most important teachings of Islam and can be received into their hearts. One example is as Sunan Kalijaga. He teaches Islamic art and the use of puppet show, so accepted by society at that time.
Indeed, what is done by the "Wali Songo" is set en example to the Prophet Muhammad. He teaches Islam with tenderness and tolerance. There is no compulsion in religious. God sent messengers to the world is not perfect but for a noble character. When the apostle insisted heart, the unbelievers will avoid of himself, and from the teachings of Islam. So, the propaganda methods here does not become effective. Once again, that the Islamic world to present this as a "rahmatan lil 'alamin."
How do you think, whether agree if we will teaches a dogma, then we should be The way of peace, tolerance and maintain the character of our people? You may agree or not. Please comment in my opinion!
